Medical Oncology

Our team treats solid tumors and blood cancers with the most up-to-date treatments. Medical oncologists treat cancer through chemotherapy, bio-therapy, immunotherapy, and hormones. Our medical oncologist will coordinate with your primary care provider and involve another specialist, as Deeded, to ensure you get the best care. We follow international cancer treatment guidelines through NCCN and ASCO. Our team will be with you through every turn of your treatment, starting with diagnosis and Continuing through treatment, survivorship Surveillance, and end-of-life care.


Hematology is the study of blood and blood-forming organs. Our hematologist specializes in treating many blood disorders, including iron-deficiency anemia and other more complex illnesses. We follow HSH guidelines for the latest treatments in hematology.

Treatment includes onsite iron infusions, chemotherapy, biotherapy, and therapeutic phlebotomies. Our office can perform bone marrow biopsies onsite.


Chemotherapy is a drug treatment that uses chemicals with specific effects to kill disease-producing cells. Before starting chemotherapy, you will meet with your medical oncologist and the registered nurse for treatment education and a tour of our facility.

During your treatment, you will be in our infusion room. This room has 5 comfortable infusion chairs as well as a TV and WiFi. We have water and blankets available, but please feel free to bring your food, drinks, and comfort items. You are welcome to bring 1 guest with you as well as personal electronic devices.

Survivor-ship Surveillance

Clotting Disorders


Infusion is the introduction of a solution into a vein. Our infusions are given by a registered nurse specializing in cancer care, blood disorder treatments, and supportive symptom management. There are 5 comfortable infusion chairs located in our infusion room.

Available TV and Wi-Fi are provided for your entertainment

Patients are welcome to bring 1 guest with them to their infusion as well as personal electronic devices, food, and drink to make your infusion more comfortable

Infusion Services:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Hydration
  • Bio-therapy and immunotherapy
  • Iron replenishment therapies
  • Supportive medications (nausea and steroid treatment)